Monday, December 04, 2017

Another Caroline Fail.

Once again, my dim sister was hoping that Izzy and I would be sucked up into space in some gravitational pull of last night's supermoon.

And guess what?

IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! Bwa ha ha ha!


  1. Well... we don't think Miss Caroline is dim at all. Just very, very hopeful. Maybe if you were nicer to her??

  2. Now kind! She was dreaming of an undisturbed time in the powder room box...

    You all sure hit the nail on the head. That rental IS a d*g car! HAS to be!!!

  3. I am sure she wouldn't wish that, she is too sweet.

  4. It was cloudy here so we couldn't see it, but mum said Caturday night when she was coming home it was super bright. She stood outside looking at it for a few minutes. She didn't howl at it though! MOL.

  5. Is that what she told you? I think she was just trying to stir the pot. Reminds me of an uncle who told me the doctor was going to give me a shot with a "square needle."

  6. Frodo and zulu are on our side-sisters can be the worst!

  7. dood...ya hafta add mit tho that space travel wood be fun ~~~~ makes ya wunder if ther iz in fax mize on de moon ...yea !! ?? ☺☺♥♥

  8. she won't admit it, but I am sure she would miss you really if it did happen.

  9. What is with all of the supermoons, anyhow? I don't remember them ever before this year or so...what's up with that, Ivan?

  10. Ivan, I think Mazie wishes the same about most of us sometimes too :)


Wowee meowee.