Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving.

I have the last word this week!
Since we'll be away tomorrow, I get to wish you all a very
Caroline Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving and remember to save some turkey to share with others! Looks delicious!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you call. Now dive in on that turkey!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Whatever your human is doing, I hope you kitties all wind up getting tastes of turkey.

  4. I hope she's not just TAUNTING you with that beauteous item right in front of you. I hope there is a REAL TURKEY in the oven somewhere that will be served to you on the best china and a cloth napkin. With oyster dressing, perhaps? And a nice Chianti? Heh heh. Love you always, Screamoline. You are WonderWomanCat in my book. XOXOXOXOXO Happy Fangsgiving to the Whole Fam. Even the Human. As long as you get special treats.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, and all of my friends in the US.

  6. We're thankful for all of our friends in the cat blogging world and beyond. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Mom Paula, Truffle, and Brulee

  7. Oh dear miss Caroline, if I'd had that bird setting in front of me I'd be all over the damn thing nom nom nom. Sure hope your Thanksgiving was a special one.

  8. Boy, you're mighty close to that turkey!
    I don't know if I could resist the temptation...

    Noodle and crew

  9. I hope it was a wonderful thanksgiving Caroline.

  10. Happy Turkey Day. You have a picture-perfect roasted turkey to feast on!


Wowee meowee.