Thursday, November 09, 2017

Everything's All Cattywampus.

So what if we're expecting our Aunt L and Uncle B tomorrow? They're family. They're used to our fur. And it's no reason to move things all about just to vacuum it up. Why, it took us eons to get all that distributed just right.

I sure hope this unexpected, on-a-strange-day cleaning frenzy doesn't further disrupt our dinnertime. How much can a cat take in a week?


  1. Yeah, sometimes hoomins can be so thoughtless with OUR needs!

  2. Oh dear, cleaning on the wrong day is never a good sign.

  3. We purr that dinner will be on time!!
    We are not fans of the vacuum either.
    Hope your Aunt and Uncle are more fun :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. Extra cleaning is always disruptive, but it does give you a nice, tidy home.

  5. I don't like it when we get visitors either. Even if they don't stay long.

  6. Is your human ruining all your hard work so company WON'T be able to see it? Horrors!

  7. You will have to work extra hard to redistribute hair again.

  8. Também não gostamos de sair da rotina.
    Boa sorte amigos!

  9. We find that the best solution is just to chew through the cord when the human is not looking (and preferably when the vacuum isn't actually running!)

  10. Elliott, guess you'll all have to start furring up the place again!

  11. That's one of the reasons why we dont like getting visitors. :)

  12. You are going to have a busy weekend getting fur back in all the right places.

  13. TBT doesn't mind our fur in the least bit. But visitors do. So he vaccuums when they are coming.

  14. We always seem to get into trouble when guests arrive, can't think why...
    Have a super weekend!

    Noodle and crew

  15. Elliott, I came over to speak to you as a matter of fact. I was going to tell you that YOU could get past me while I am on patrol if you want to tunnel on over. Know what I mean?


Wowee meowee.