Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Ivan On Watch.

We haven't seen any little hummers in ages, or at least during the times we're not napping. We still have one feeder out, and we took off the humbrella a few weeks ago so a bird unfamiliar with the area could easily see it.

But we think when all the leaves are gone, we'll see a little hummer nest in our tree. That will be exciting! It will be a while yet, though — our tree is always the last to turn.


  1. Our hummers went a while ago.
    Mum had left one feeder up as our Fall has been quite warm and the juice was disappearing.Now, the nights are cool,too cool for hummers.Guess we wait till next year.
    Seeing a little nest would be pawsome!
    You are looking very handsome Ivan ;)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. Our hummers are gone. Mum brought in the feeder last week. Hope you find a nest.

  3. My human doesn't have a feeder up... she is lousy about upkeep, and feels it's better to be safe and not risk harming the little critters.

  4. Mine left two weeks ago. I finally took down the feeder and disinfected it for next year.

  5. Ivan, you look so thoughtful and so handsome.

  6. Ivan, perhaps you can convince your human to put one of those DVD things in the TV, so you can watch some hummers!

  7. When they do arrive, Ivan will be ready. I hope they come back soon.

  8. Our hummers are long gone...we haven't seen any since the end of September. We miss them already.


Wowee meowee.