Tuesday, September 19, 2017

I'm Cross Too.

Mom went to the State Fair last week and I did not get to go.

She said I was too little. Now, how can that be when I know there were baby animals there and they had to be littler than me, right?

She's just a meanie.


  1. Poor guy! We can see how much it meant to you too. Maybe next time.

  2. We would have been mad too!
    Imaging, her getting all gushy over baby animals when she has you at home!
    Doesn't make sense, but then she is a human :/
    We purr she makes it up to you.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. Well. you said there were littler animals there. An you being a big fierce hunter, THEY might have been in danger. So Mom was protecting them. Moms do that.

  4. My human says that if there's a fair that has a cat show, I can come along with her!

  5. Me think you can pack yourself in her bag next time * tee...heh...heh

  6. Izzy, come here...I've got to whisper somefing in your ear...okay, are you listening? :::State Fairs have cows and pigs and chickens...and they stink. You are LUCKY that you missed it, trust me:::

  7. Maybe your mom is going to cheat on some cute little bunnie or something. Did you sniff her from head to toe when she got back?

    Emma and Buster

  8. dood.....yea N whatz even werst iz she dinna bring home any fair snax !!!!!!!!!!!!

    faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  9. Izzy, you adorable looking soft and handsome mancat...you have several good reasons to be glad she didn't take you.

  10. My mom said to tell your mom she is gonna make me tell about a girl hummingbird in my next bloggie. She hopes your mommy will see it. xxx

  11. Izzy, that really isn't a place for a little kitty. What if you got stepped on by some big cow or something. Those littler animals were probably in cages, and you know you wouldn't like that. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


Wowee meowee.