Thursday, August 31, 2017

End O' August.

And you know what that means. VACATION! We are giving our mom the next week or so off. As for us, we're going to sleep in! And see? I'm already celebrating!

Have a happy Labor Day, a fun week, and don't do anything we wouldn't do. We'll be back the week after next.


  1. Have a happy vacation !!!!!
    WE will miss seeing you all though.
    However, we know you will be having fun :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. What? You're sleeping in when your Mom is on vaccation? It's the best time of the year to demand service at 5 am!

  3. Have fun! Stay safe and we'll see you when you're back!

  4. Elliott, you are a quite the professional celebrator! Enjoy your quiet time with your mom.

  5. happee timez guyz N safe travelz ta mom if her doez sew ~~ ♥♥

  6. Enjoy your time off. And hey, find some creative new ways to cause mischief!

  7. Steady on there! A holiday, whatever next!!

    Enjoy chillaxing :-)

  8. The End Of August caught us by surprize here. We have a lot to do! Change the calender, but out BT in the ponds. Pay a few bills...

    Well, not US exactly, but TBT has work to do.


Wowee meowee.