Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Ivan Wants To Know.

The days are shorter...which means we start bugging for dinner earlier. The leaves are turning colors and dropping...which means it must be fall. So why is it still way warmer than it should be?

Who is responsible for my being cheated out of snuggly times on the couch with Mom and the fuzzy blanket? I WANT NAMES.


  1. You have to demand your cuddly time!
    Cats need cuddles and fuzzy blankets...

    Noodle and crew

  2. Wait for it.... Wait for it... The nippy will be here sooner than you think!

  3. You should still be able to get snuggly times Ivan.
    Demand them!
    How can she resist you?
    It's cool here. Want us to send it to you?
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. We want the same answers!!! So hot here in Oklahoma.

  5. It will get colder fast enough. It was 80F here a week ago and we are into the low 40s tonight. Sad for the flowers...

  6. Your Mom has a lot to answer for, doesn't she?

    We hear you on the warms--it has rained a little today but it was 70 degrees this morning. It's weird. Myself, I do not care for it.

  7. We don't have any warms here so there is a lot of snuggling going on beside the fire.

  8. Ivan, you may not be able to get the names you need to eat revenge on the warms BUT You can do what I have been doing here recently...roosting on mom's pillow; and her forehead makes me a great chin rest!

  9. Ivan, we've got cool and rain, so if you come over to visit, you'll get all of the snuggles available!

  10. Ivan, é muito bom ficar aconchegado no sofá, espero que o tempo esfrie para vocês. Aqui é primavera e ainda temos um tempo muito agradável, o calor ainda não chegou, e sinceramente espero que ele demore muito a chegar.

  11. dood....due ya knead dood namez ore gurl namez...we can send ya az manee az ya knead ~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  12. Sorry you haven't gotten your cuddly time.

  13. Ivan, you should come here. It's gotten way cooler and we're getting snuggle time.

  14. Snuggle time is definitely being affected by this crazy pants weather. We are supposed to have temps close to 80 degrees the next couple of days! Ugh! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Wowee meowee.