Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I Have No Fear.

I know Mom won't step on me.

Of course, she says it's because I'm so roly-poly that she'd have to step up to get me!

Um...did she insult me?


  1. Just keep up where you can away if you have to.

  2. We love roly - poly!
    Have a terrific Tuesday...

    Noodle and crew

  3. Ha. Hoomins can be so graceless! Like our Mom. Just be careful, lil guy.

  4. MOL! Yeah, knowing humans, it was probably an insult.

  5. Yes, it was an insult. The real reason she won't step on you is your bright orange and white furz. That is your *real* protection. We black kitties fade into the background. Of course, your mom seems pretty clumsy so you should always BOLO.

  6. Indeed...watch out for clumpy feets! I was attacked with one several days ago I was curled behind her feets while she did dishes and she STEPPED on me!

  7. Hahahahahaha...Izzy...hahahahahaha! Yep, she dissed you...

  8. dood....ewe mite haz well called ewe a CHCKN.......we hope yur plannin a pot oh revenge rite now ~~~~~~~~~


  9. Yup, I'd say that was an insult. She shouldn't step on you though because ginger and white shows up well.

  10. Uh oh...we think that was an insult. You need to get her back for it.

  11. Oh! Insult!!!
    Make her pay for that remark!!
    Treats would be nice ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  12. OMC...most of us would like to be pudgy like you. You look purrfect. You mom is just pulling your tail, er...leg! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Wowee meowee.