Thursday, January 21, 2016

(Collar) Free At Last.

Well, I'm happy to say that my whole ear ordeal is finally over—no more collar, no more meds. My ear will be wrinkly forever, but I suppose it's another way you can tell me apart from my brothers.

You know, in case you can't see my very l-o-n-g tailio.

Thanks to all my friends who purred for my healing over these last few months. I hope you all have a very fun and treat-filled weekend!


  1. Dear One, I am so glad that cussed ol' collar is gone and you are free free free! What with your long tail and your crinkly erase, you will be THE single most distinctive mancat around!

  2. FREEEEEE! We are so glad to hear it's done now.

  3. We are so happy the collar is off and you are free!
    You now have an ear of distinction :)
    Enjoy your collar free weekend!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. Your ear has some extra character. You're looking good. Enjoy your newfound freedom!

  5. Oh, Elliott, I am sorry I did not know about your ear till today - you know who was so unhelpful for WEEKS about helping me blog and visit. I think the final result is quite unique and handsome, and a very good way to tell you apart from your brothers. Concats for being rid of the air pillow and drain at last.

  6. Mommy says your wrinkly ear looks especially nibble-able!

  7. You has a cauliflower earsicle, Elliott. I think it is most masculine and mancatly. In fact, you look mahvellous. Where's my LCG though??? She didn't get her day this week and I hear she's mad at me and I am just fretting and fretting.

  8. We agree with Spitty: we LOVE your curly ear look! You're hot! We're glad this collar has gone - sounds like a nightmare for everybody involved.

  9. Elliott, I like your ear like that - it DOES give you lots of character!

  10. I am glad you are free of the evil collar at last, Elliott. You look very distinguished with your wrinkly ear.

  11. you ear is furry cool Elliot. we is glad your collar is off!
    come on ofur and selly-brate your freedom with us, and some french toast!

  12. Elliott, I see your long talio! And it's just a little wrinkle; I'm thinking you can still easily camouflage yourself as William or Ivan. Happy weekend!

  13. dood....ewe look TOTAL PANTHER like in thiz fotoz.....AWESUM !!!

    heerz two an orangespine unicorn fish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  14. We fink da ear makes you look very distinguished. weez glad yous all better. Have a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  15. Querido finalmente você está livre, imagino o quanto todos estão aliviados com o final do tratamento, e agora você está se sentindo bem, fico contente!
    Bom final de semana!

  16. Elliot, I'm glad your ear is finally healed. The crinkles just make you even more special.

  17. A long talio makes up fer a lot. But we are glad yer ear problems are better.

  18. I understand that wrinkly ears are THE thing at the moment! ConCats on your freedom!!

  19. We are glad the collar is gone.
    The wrinkly ear gives you lots of character not that you aren't a character already...
    Happy Sunday!

    Noodle and crew


Wowee meowee.