Thursday, December 05, 2013

Let It Snow.

I am keeping my eye on this.

Boy, I'm glad to be an indoor boy, even if I do have to share space with my screamy, hissy sister. And any minute I'm going to convince my mom that it's snuggle-under-the-ratty-blanket time on the couch!

Have a fun weekend, everybody, and stay warm! And don't forget to visit my Feline O' Mine store for some Catmas shopping!


  1. Wow, that is outside your house, William?! That is a big bunch o' snow!

  2. Neve!! Isso é tão bonito!
    Mantenha-se aquecido, amigo!

  3. OMC, what happened to your yard? Stay warm, William!

  4. Oh wow, that looks cold! Snuggling is definitely in order.

  5. Ooooh, that's pretty! My cat, Hobbes, used to like to go out into the he just likes his basket by the fire. :(

  6. I told Ashton this meowning how lucky he was to be an indoor kitty. We don't have snow but it's been in the low 20's the last two days. Frozen eveything. He just gave me that look.

  7. Yikes!!! Look at that snow :o
    We have not had snow yet!
    Other parts of our province have had some though.
    Friday will be rainy,then it will get cold.
    Snuggles with ratty blankies with Mom sounds purrfect :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure,Tiger and JJ

  8. We have no snow right now. Lots of cold.

    We gave you an award.

  9. William, you have more snow that we do right now. We did have, but a few days of milder-than-normal temps have taken most of it away, thank cod. Have a warm and snuggly weekend!

  10. Now we have sunshine. It snowed for three days!
    But we have winter windchills now! Brrrrrrr!
    Stay snuggly warm! We plan on it!

  11. Oh, it's definitely snuggle time, even here in Arid-zone!

  12. that's the best time we have wif our mom when we snuggle while she watches syndicated shows of BIG BANG THEORY, and then we all sing along when Sheldon sings soft kitty.....

    emma and buster

  13. GAH!!! We might get some of that cr@p, too.

  14. Wow. That's . . . uh, awesome? Probably not so much if you have to go out and drive in it or anything, but awesome anyway. We NEVER get nuffing like that around here. Apparently, we're not even going to get rain anymore, either. Pfft.

  15. Ah, the snow. All we have had back here in Georgia is cold, cold rain. The dogs and cats get all wet and the cats do not like to be towel-dried when they come in.

  16. It's cold here in Michigan, but no snow right now, only bright sunshine. William, your black fur looks really neato against the white snow! Tell your mom that things at Eastside Cats have changed and the last post was deleted. More to come, and thanks!

  17. William, It rained last night here and it was SO COLD the Human said she wondered if it was going to turn into snow. But it didn't. Sigh. Hope you and Screamoline are reaching some kind of detente?

  18. Let it snow.....ick! We have too much already! Seems like the entire country is cold.

  19. Wow, that's some real big snow mew have!!! Stay warmz William, it looks too cold fur cats out there!!! MOL

    Basil xx

  20. Wow, you have more snow than we do in Boston! We got a dusting this morning, and now it's all drizzly wet clammy stinky rain. Yuck. We three [SMART] kittehs are all sacked out on Mom's down comforter, doin' our cat thing. Stay warm!


Wowee meowee.