Wednesday, October 16, 2013

♬ A Scream-Along With Caroline. ♬

The meezer in the house
The meezer in the house
Hi-ho, the Car-o-line!
The meezer in the house

The brothers take the cake
The brothers take the cake
Hi-ho, the Car-o-line!
The meezer in the house

The meeze stands alone!
The meeze stands alone!
Hi-ho, the Car-o-line!
The meezer in the house!


  1. You are strong, you are FIERCE, you are MEEZER!

    Oh my darling Caroline, You are so lovely you make my furz stand on end and my ears twitch with glee! *I* would be thrilled to offer them up for your delectation my darling. Anytime, anyplace.

    Your LCB, Spitty

  2. ha ha - my you are in very good voice tonight. Love the song.

  3. Caroline, you must be happy about being the
    kitty the rules the roost ;)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  4. Pawesome song, Miss Caroline. We will join you in the chorus.

  5. Tom aqui- Eu bem que avisei os meus amigos para ter cuidado com ela... pobres caras!

  6. Young Blue Eyes is singing a song for all the meezers out there.

  7. Caroline, you are sure beautiful for all that screaming and such! Naughty girl.

  8. Well I know what I'll be humming all day now...


Wowee meowee.