Wednesday, October 23, 2013


It's me, Caroline!

Guess what? My Aunt M brought some Cheez-Its to me on Sunday and I've been fine ever since!

Pardon me, I have these two little crumbs to finish.


  1. Every girl needs her Cheez Its! Enjoy yours.

  2. Yay for Aunt M and two little crumbs!!
    Guess the boys ears are safe for the moment ;)
    Sounds like you need an emergency pack of
    Cheeze-its in the house at all times...just in case.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  3. So just act really naughty every day and you'll be swimming in those tasty morsels!

  4. All it took were Cheez Its? I wish that worked with Binga.

  5. Cheez-Its are awesome Caroline! They do the trick every time. Even for me, and i'm a silly human. :)

  6. They are such wonderful little crackers, aren't they? I just love for my Mommy to crumble a few fur me!

  7. I have never personally tasted a Cheez-It. I never met a Human food I liked, though, so I don't hold out much hope. If I could share one with YOU, my darlingest girl, I think I would succumb to their cheezy charms. XOXOXO Your LCB (P.S. Is that red carpet just for you? I hope it is.)

  8. We will try Cheeze Its with Beau. In fact, we'll give him OUR Cheeze Its if it will make it him quieter.

  9. Caroline, I have mentioned you in today's bloggie. I hope you don't mind pretty girl.

  10. you are so beautiful my dear girl with your pretty blue eyes. but you hear that all the time, don't you?

    emma and buster

  11. Caroline, come on over to my house...bring everyone else too.


Wowee meowee.