Monday, October 07, 2013

Keeping Watch.

Well, there have been no balloons around here so far, but do you know what did show up? A great big old white winged dove, right on the balcony wall! Then my mom made it fly away.

I tell you, some moms are no fun at all.


  1. Ooo, yummmmm! Humans are no fun at all.

  2. Why did she care a neat fevver away? Not good.

  3. Doves are much better than balloons. Or blimps. We like birds much better. But you have to keep from letting the peeps from seeing them or they chase them away. Why won't they chase away the balloons and blimps?

  4. William, ya need a better Bein! Ours is VERY cautious not to disturb our viewing.

  5. Your human chased away your Bird TV star?! That's not right.

  6. definitely a party pooper that mom of yours. i'm with sparkle, that's not right. not at all.

    emma and buster

  7. The sun on your furs looks like satiny-velvet, William. The Human says she'd love to run her fingers through it.

    Disloyal you-know-what, isn't she???

    Sorry your Mom made the nice snack fly away. Isn't that just like a Human? Almost as mean as Princeton's Dad flushing his mole away. Peoples!!

  8. Aw, man. I wanted to know if it tastes like chicken...

  9. Well, if there's no fly to swat, swat your mummy!

  10. Yep, that's how Moms are. We have the same problem here. But we think you should follow Katz Tales' advice. MOL.

  11. That dove sounds like it would have been lip-smackin' gooood!

    Even if your mom has a black thumb (ours does!) just toss some seeds in a pot and forget about them for a year, then plant flowers in the pot, (since you forgot abut the nip seeds) and watch that ole nip florish!!! (Bet she'll kill off this plant too though.)

  12. Too bad about the dove. It would have made such a nice accessory for you, with its white feathers against your satin black furs.........


Wowee meowee.