Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday Wrap-Up.

Look! I have four ears!

Ha ha ha ha!

Well, we missed the full moon this week because of cloudy nights, and for some reason, we've been pretty well behaved. Me, I shredded my mylar streamer toy today, so I'm going to have to get that all fixed again.

Have a fun weekend, everybody! Oh, and PQ seems a little under the weather and I know my mom's been keeping a close eye on her, so maybe you could send some purrs this way. Thanks!


  1. Gee William, we hope your toy gets fixed so you can play this weekend!
    We saw that moon and it was bright!
    We will send BIG purrs for PQ. We hope she feels better soon.
    Purrs, Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  2. Two ears to listen for treats while the OTHER two are sleeping. Verreh efficient.

    Purrrrss for the PQ from all of us!

  3. Now you'll be able to hear everything twice as well!

  4. We send purrs to PQ, hear anything good with those four ears?

  5. Sending the PQ all my furry bestest purrs and the Human will even throw in a purrayer or six.

    William, your ears look FANTASTIC--can you hear Caroline's thoughts?

  6. Purrs to PQ from this edge of the country. Dad says that even with two extra ears I probably wouldn't listen any better than I do now! Great weekend to you!!

  7. I am sending purrs for PQ. You should hear every slightest sound with those extra ears William.

  8. Stopping back in to send a bundle of extra purrs to the P.Q. and to the Mom too XOXOXOXO

  9. Willian você está muito bonito deitado nessa poça de sol, acho que um par de orelhas extras é muito bom! Estamos enviando roronas para PQ. Tenham um ótimo fim de semana.


Wowee meowee.