Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Tuesdays With Russell.

So, about 400 years ago, way before I was born, two of our friends gave us awards. We're sorry we're so late in posting them -- we're really kinda bad about these things.

Many thanks to Nerissa, who gave us this one with a very nice write-up:

And many thanks to Katie Isabella, who gave us this one, also with a very nice write-up:

We've seen that lots and lots of you have already received these awards so at this late date we're just going to thank Nerissa and Katie for thinking of us! We're lucky to have these friends!


  1. Very well deserved awards. We enjoy your blog as well as Nerissa's and Katie's. We count all of you as our good friends.

  2. Concatulations on your awards! I'm really bad about posting mine too, which is probably why I rarely get them!

  3. Concats on your awards :)
    We also suffer from "Mom is too lazy to post and forgot who sent us what and when" syndrome :/
    You are right about the fabulous friends though :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  4. Congratulations on your awards!!
    No matter when you got this award, you are so well deserved them all the time!!

  5. We have a giant backlog of awardies. Sigh. My Human is soooooooo layzee. Right now she has a 102 temperature so I will forgive her for today. But what's her excuse on all the other days?

  6. I am glad you liked them, dear William. xox

  7. concats on your awards. well deserved.

    emma and buster

  8. Congratulations on the awards. Our motto is "better late than never."


Wowee meowee.