Thursday, November 08, 2012

Thursday Wrap-Up.

Well, not much going on here this week. I've had to keep an eye on certain cats to preserve my fur, but other than that, zip. You know, some weeks are like that. We didn't even have trouble with dinner and the time change!

It's supposed to get colder over the next few days so we're looking forward to snuggly naps. And it's a three-day weekend, too! Oh wait. With my mom working from home, we have seven-day weekends!

Well anyway, have fun on your weekend, everybody!


  1. You two look cosy. We are writing from our watery home.
    Aurora for the Pond Fish

  2. My human works from home full time too - good thing because I am her boss!

  3. Just make sure your snuggly naps are not close to you know who ;)
    7 day weekends...we wants them ;)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  4. The Human has a three-day plus there's a 2:30 Friday dismissal from school so i am expecting a LOT of toy-time this weekend, although she insists she's going out to dinner and the movies on Sunday. We'll just SEE about that, Missy!

  5. We are expecting cooler temps this weekend, too. Mommy is expecting a kitteh-pile. MOL!

  6. Have a great, but warm and snuggly weekend.

    The Paw Relations

  7. Oh, you both look delectables. I wish I were there with you snuggling.

  8. Mommy is off stabbing herself over the 7-day weekend remark. Maybe she'll get some sick time?

  9. Happy Looong weekend snuggling (but not too close)! Purrs...

  10. We have 6 day weekends here : ) Stay warm over the weekend !!!

  11. Yous guys miust lives up here in the great white north! Mommy does not get Monday. But thats OK Cuz our Mommy works at home too!

  12. You guys (and girls) have an excellent weekend too, William! Love and hugs from Oregon as always. xx

  13. William, Buddy, I'm stoked you think I'm so handsome and all, but I'd rather the love-nips come from Screamoline. Still, if you can't help yourself, I guess it would be okay.

  14. Thanks for not calling me a hag, Pal ;-) Your mom is always right on the money with the sources though, eh? Must be hard to sneak anything past her.

  15. We dint like the first night that dinner was at the wrong timee, but it seemed on schedule after that. What we dont like if that TBT gets up different time than usual.

  16. Dad says he'd love to have a 7 day weekend now and then!


Wowee meowee.