Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesdays With Russell.

See what a good boy I am? I've done such a good job cleaning our dinner dishes that Mom doesn't even have to wash them!

Hmm, I wonder if there's there anything else to eat up on the counter...


  1. Russell, This just REEKS of a set-up! I know you would never even DREAM of eating your furbling's fudz like that. Would you? Cause, really? I think some of them could hurt you.

  2. I agree with Spitty - I think you were framed!

  3. Hooray for your mommy, Save the water !!! Well done Russell : )
    Now I imagine your mom use those dishes...heh..heh..heh

  4. We have bowls like them too! And Audrey licks hers super clean. Washing it is for "appearances" only.

  5. Russell, we see the bowls are empty, and we see you're looking hopefully for food, but do we believe you cleaned out 5 bowls all alone? I don't think so... you're too slim and athletic to have eaten that much!

  6. Binga is our plate cleaner here. She even tries to clean the human's plates, but for some reason they protest.

  7. Who needs a dishwasher wif you in the house? MOL! Good job!

  8. So there WAS fud in them bowls? Whew! I thought the empty bowls surroundin ya were a kitty horror picture... Iza

  9. You are a good dishwasher, Russell. I hope you got some more food.

  10. We assume you "washed off" whatever bits were left over from everyone's dinner. We think you are an EXCELLENT dishwasher, actually, and hope your human appreciates your hard work! In fact, that probably was so much hard work you ought to get another helping of food, just to keep up your strength.

  11. Delighted you have such a considerate plate cleaner...

  12. LOL What a considerate, and handsome, cat


Wowee meowee.