Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Tuesdays With Russell.

Yep, I'm lounging on the counter again. It's one of my favorite places. Plus, I'm at the ready in case any food appears.

Do you think cute will get me something special to eat?


  1. Just open wide and a special treat is almost bound to fall right in!

    Happy Tuesday from the PodCat

  2. I think that's very smart spot to look for food. Possiblility 90 %

  3. Russell, you are so good looking that it's probably easy for people to overlook your keen intellect. After all, if food is what you're after, what better place to camp out than the kitchen! Sheer genius!

  4. In your house, the cute ploy will no doubt work, Russell! My human, on the other hand, is cold-hearted - she is very sparing with the treats.

  5. Mommy says she would totally feed you fur being cute!

  6. That would have worked in our house, but now we're on a strict regimen re: our food. However, it would get you LOTS of cuddles and smooches from the human. :-P

  7. Depends. Here, being cute on the counter leads to a request to vacate it most of the time.

  8. i think you should get some treats for being a handsome dreamsicle!

  9. It's always good to be ready..."just in case" heehee
    For us, cute usually works after supper when Mom gets a little evening snack. That's when we get treats!! yum :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia

  10. Looking cute gets us tummy tickles but no treats. Hope you have better luck.


Wowee meowee.