Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday Wrap-Up.

Well, we had a pretty quiet week with my mom returning to hunting and all. She told us tonight that her "Free At Last" date has been moved up to October 21 (a week after the transition), so we'll just have to be patient in getting her back all the time.

The weather has been just wonderful lately. Mom even rolled the portable AC into the closet–the place seems so much bigger now! (Ha ha ha.) We have open windows at last...and of course there was that little incident with Screamoline wandering out into the rain the other day. (For such a high-strung kid, she sure does some wild things sometimes. She's flown into the garage on occasion, too–thankfully, when the door's been down. I haven't even done that!)

Anyway, I've got to help Mom finish up her business plan, otherwise we're never going to get this show on the road! See? I've got my serious face on.

Have fun this weekend, everyone!


  1. Goodness William, business plans are big things. Don't think too hard!

  2. William, number crunching is nowhere near as fun as kibble crunching; don't spend too much time at it.

  3. Ugh, business plans are the worst! Actually, they aren't bad - it's getting the humans to DO them that's the hard part!

  4. Business plan? Do we sniff a new venture in the offing? Is that the Big News that you never even told us??? Inquiring minds want to know!
    Poor Screamoline--all her adventures have been thwarted! Be nice to her.

  5. You do have a very serious face on, William. Your mom is lucky to have your help.

  6. That is a very serious face! Mebbe you could use a power nap! xoxo

  7. WOW!!!! What a handsome Mancat you are William !!! We don't know how your Mom will be able to concentrate on anything but your handsomeness :)
    Have a fun weekend!!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia

  8. I bet she is working hard when you have that face on!

  9. And what a great serious face it is, too! Good luck with the plan.

  10. That is a serious expression. But, make sure you have a good weekend.

  11. We had one of those open screen door incidents when we lived at the apartment. We always closed the screen door, but company had left it open and Dad just didn't even notice. Fortunately HB and Maggie were just hanging out on the patio and not wandering the woods. Glad Caroline was just wet. (Maggie is getting your fishies on the sidebar right now.)

  12. That IS a very serious face, William! We hope it helped Mom do her business plan...

  13. You look so serious! You are a good helper.

  14. You are a good help to your mum and are sure to get lots of work done with that serious face.

  15. It sounds like it was a great week at your house, William! Open windows make things a little bit nicer.

  16. You're a stern taskmaster William, but sometimes we cats must be stern with the people, or they'd never get anything done.

  17. you are a serious task master... we need you here! Love Darcy and Bingley xx

  18. Oh boy! We can't wait to hear all about your mommy's new venture. We just know you'll help make it a huge success. (((Hugs))) You'll have so much fun when you have her all to yourselves all the time.

    Caroline! You naughty sneaky girl! No more wandering outside. Trust me, I was an outdoor kitty for 2 years as a semi feral before I got my forever home and you do not want that. There are plenty of adventures to have in your own home.

    That is a great picture of you William. You've got some movement in it. Like you're ready to hunt a bug or something.

    PS mommy had a rough weekend so her toes are blue. Whenever she needs a pick me up she paints her nails with the blue / green polish your mommy sent to remind her that there is lots of goodness and love in the world


Wowee meowee.