Monday, September 26, 2011

Russell Redux.

So here's what I posted on September 30, 2007, six days after this boy arrived.

Of course he's worn out. He spent all Saturday and most of this morning chasing every one of us, despite Mom's telling him repeatedly, "Do not tease William" and despite Caroline screaming like someone dropped a piano on her foot whenever he got too close. Mom finally got out the Dreaded Water Bottle and he finally calmed down. Now we're on to Phase Two–which is I have to eat everything in sight within two seconds because I only got one morsel a day for a hundred years in the shelter (which I've already been through with both Olivia and Caroline)–so we're all eating dinner in shifts in different rooms. ::Sigh::

I was never this much trouble.

Thanks to everybody who sent him well wishes on the last post. I can honestly say that a brother was a pretty good idea, despite the rocky start and the fact that I thought my mom got him for her bathroom. We've had a fun four years.

But you know what hasn't changed in all that time? His eating habits!


  1. William, we are glad things worked out well with Russell :)
    Well...except for his trying to eat your foods!!!!! heehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia

  2. Seems like just yesterday when Russell came to your house. You are a great big bro. William!

  3. Yeah, brofurs are OK, but funny he hasn't changed his eating habits. Come to think of it, neither have we.

  4. We have one here who likes to eat on everyone's breakfast and dinner. His name starts with an "M".

  5. We think every house needs a Russell Cat. Mainly to clean up all the crumbs!

  6. Oh, poor little sad sweetie! This picture makes me feel---well, COMPASSION for him.

    Don't tell Caroline, okay?

  7. Though I didn't have a blog yet, Mom remembers rading your blog before Russell came to stay. Wow, is it really 4 years?

    Audrey and Russell must be related. They do the same with food. Do you guys still have to eat separately? We do and it is a pain.

  8. Since the post was late, we don't feel so bad with our late happy gotcha day wishes... :-)

  9. Thank you, thank you, thank you, fur posting this today! It's been a hard week with the addition of Princeton to our family!

  10. I hope we are as happy with Ichiro four years from now!

  11. Marley is a food thief too, but a sneaky one. He slinks over an puts his nose right against yer bowl an waits fer ya ta just stand up or stretch. Then he scoops out some foods with a paw and licks it up... Then waits again!

  12. Nice to hear about first day stories. Glad all things went well.

    Emma and Buster

  13. The pic is too adorable. Glad you
    boyz are better friends.

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan


Wowee meowee.