Monday, August 29, 2011

So So So.

This weekend, a giant fly–about the size of Pee Queen (see illustration below)–got into the house. We thought we'd hit the jackpot!

Then my mom made him fly out.


  1. WOW! That was a HUGE fly! Too bad your mom didn't let you play with him!

  2. Ha ha ha. Your Mom's having some Photoshop fun with the Poor Pee Quenn, isn't she!?

  3. What? Your human chased an awesome fly outside and did not let you have it?! The nerve!

  4. MOL! You are pulling our wings! Um, legs.

    But, um, iffen its real, can we come over an help catch it? We would settle for a leg as a trophy.

  5. You didn't get to play wif it and make it deaded? That's too bad. Better luck next time. xoxo

  6. Too bad your mom didn't allow the hunt to begin. We're sure it would have been a good one.

  7. Let it out???!!!
    There she goes spoiling your good time. But maybe not, those big things have been known to bite pretty bad.

  8. Wow1 That's even bigger than the flies that have been getting into our house lately!

  9. You didn't get to chase it? No fair!


Wowee meowee.