Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Meezer Wednesday.

It's me, Caroline!

And I'm only allowing this picture to be taken because my mom promised that if I sat still for two seconds, she'd put dinner out right after. And I am starving so I managed the two seconds!


  1. I am surprised your human was not a little bit afraid when she saw that face, Caroline! I certainly hope you got your dinner RIGHT away!

  2. I'm with Sparkle. I hope you got your dinner, pronto!

    Mom Paula

  3. With that look Caroline, I would not dare delaying dinner any longer if I were your Mom!!! heehee
    Hope it was good :)
    Purrs Tillie & Georgia

  4. Darling, You look both ravishing and ravenous!

  5. We like the idea of a two second dinner bell! Forget the photo part! xoxo

  6. Yes, we, too, hope you got your dinner right away...with an extra helping!

  7. We hope you got dinner quick - that is quite the expression!

  8. I hope you got dinner before you wasted away! You look dangerously close it there.

  9. Wow, your mom makes you do tricks for your supper? That's just mean! But, secretly, we're a little happy because that means we got to see a picture of beautiful you!

  10. Dang it, we forgot to say what else it is we wanted to say. We hope that things work out with your mom so that everyone is happy. Losing jobs and finding new jobs can be stressful, though it sounds like you're mom is doing fabulous! Purrs to you all.

  11. A photo session before eating? It should've been the other way around.

  12. we all could manage the 2 seconds if dinner is coming.

    Emma and Buster

  13. Good girl, Caroline! It's hard for cats to sit and stay. They can sit and they can stay, but doing either on command is really not their scene, I've observed. Your eyes look lovely and blue in this photo, by the way!

  14. Hi beautiful big-eyed girl! I hope you got your dinner right away!

  15. If she's a really food motivated cat you could try clicker training her to sit still!


Wowee meowee.