Monday, June 06, 2011

Cough Cough Cough.

So the wind is coming in from the west tonight again and again we are being choked by smoke from that very bad Wallow fire in Arizona. We can't have windows open and because our cooler pulls in the outside air we can't have that on. And of course it's about 84° in the house. Boy, I sure do miss our old AC.

I have pictures of our disappeared mountains but of course Blogger won't let me post them. So I guess the only thing to do is nap in front of a fan and try not to melt, and maybe I'll try a little later with the pix.

Update! Here's what's going on:

Normal evening:



  1. Oh you poor dears! We would just about die without AC right now. But we know how bad smoky air smells. We hope things clear up soon!

  2. We have 90 here but its not too bad in the house. No ac yet. Mon & dad suffered through a cold winter and won't turn it on...yet.

  3. Stay safe and try to stay cool! We hope that the fires are under control soon. We, too would be lost without AC!

  4. Oh noes, no fresh air. It is hot here, but the AC is running for us. Hope the smoke and stuff goes away quickly.

  5. The fires are terrible! A friend of my parents lost her dream retirement home yesterday. William, stay safe!
    xx trish

  6. Mr. William..Close all doors and windows and stay safe !
    I hope everything go bcak to normal so soon, Paws Crossed

  7. That is bad, William. We are purring for something to happen to improve the situation with the fires.

  8. We are SO sorry that the smoke from the fires in disrupting your life there. We had a big fire near us last year and we know what it's like to have smoke in the air, it's horrible. We're glad you are not in the path of the fire itself. Try to stay cool and not breathe the toxic air.

  9. WOW!
    We came back....
    looks like someone photoshopped those mountain right smack out of the picture!!!

  10. Ach, dat is just no good...not da smoke or da lack of AC. We don't know what we'd do wifout our cold air blowy thing. None of us can stand da heat.

  11. Oh, I just HATE the hots, and that smoke looks unbelievable! Disappearing mountains! It's been going on for days and days and days, too. You poor dears. I hope you can at least put cool washcloths on your furry little brows. Screamoline REALLY has somethin' to complain about now.

    Paws crossed for some relief soon. I wish I could send you some of our rains :-(

  12. Whoa! That is like the Station Fire we had here a couple of years ago - the smoke was awful. You poor kitties. I hope the firefighters get a handle on that thing soon!

  13. How awful! We hope you get to use your AC very soon.

  14. Oh dear. I hope everything gets sorted out quickly so that you can get your life back!

  15. We have the same thing here, the smoke and haze. But, we do have the ac running to stay cool and have fresh air.

    Try not to be too smoked.

  16. That looks serious to us, too. It'd be great if you got a few inches of rain right about now.

  17. Wow, that's terrible and so sad. We're in Phoenix so we're not getting any of the smoke but we're so sad that this fire is now the largest in AZ history and there are several others going in the state now, too. We, too, feel so sad for the wild animals affected. Sorry you are being inundated with smoke.


Wowee meowee.