Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday Wrap-Up.

Well, I don't know why anybody's whining about no color. I mean, what's Russell? I'd hardly call him neutral.

And what does my mom do? Come home with paint chips! Well, I certainly hope this isn't how she plans to spend most of the upcoming three-day weekend. Sure, she says she's just thinking about colors, but I mean does she think we've forgotten all the "this is the last week of evenings spent at the old place" fibs from the last few months? Why would we believe this, then?

Well, I'm going to try to get her to relax anyway. Have a fun and toy-filled weekend, everybody!


  1. Are you going to help pick colors? Oh, then you can help her paint, decorate with paw prints.

  2. Owr Mom brotted a bunch of dose chips home too. She says to wish yur Mom good luck wif pickin colors.

  3. I see a painting weekend in your near future, boys.

  4. Don't trust her William!!! Mom and her sister both got paint chips and then spent a lot of time painting!!!
    The only chip your Mom needs is the kind you can eat! heehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia

  5. Can't she just rub Russell on the walls?

  6. I hope you can get her to relax! I don't know, though, it sounds like there's painting in your future. Pawprints!

  7. Oh, my Human LOVES that rug, especially the CORNERS! You boys look very sweet this evening, but I know a facade when I see one.

  8. Hold out for blue. It matches meezer eyes...

  9. Oh noes, not painting! Doesn't your mom know how to relax???

  10. Ew. Paint is stinky. No matter what your human says, she is up to something that is not kitty fun.

  11. Russell is a colorful character but there's a lot to be said about basic black.

  12. wow, our mom is planning the same thing for this/next week.

  13. You all have a great weekend too. Hope your mum takes it easy.

  14. Hey, tell mom ta just tape paint chips ta the wall. Then no actal paintin is needed!

  15. colour - humans just can't see it. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  16. It is so much fun seeing the new place become yours. And think of the adventures of helping Mom paint!

  17. There's been paint chips on our bedroom wall for 2 years we think...least now she finally picked a color!


Wowee meowee.