Monday, May 23, 2011

Not So Much As A Cat Tower... it is a cat low rise! We got new sleeping bins like our others...

And we can watch each other or not. We can also have a little lie down in the middle and either look out the window or just snooze (on my old little rug from the den at the old place!).

Everybody's had a turn (or several) napping in a sleeping bin and we all like it. We don't really need the height any more, plus, this is much easier for me to get on. And it doesn't weave and wave all over the place!

Now all we have to do is decide what colors to paint them!


  1. We have instructed Daddy to examine the bins for later construction at our house. We vote for deep plum and ochre!

  2. I am glad the windows are lower for you guys. Those bins look comfy and will last better than a cardboard box!

  3. Your human needs to come home with some paint chips to make sure the color compliments everyone's fur!

  4. Looks pretty nice! Do you have a good view?

  5. Mr. William, I think it should be the colour which bright up your fur.I think that's the best : )

  6. I think you should definitely take the advice of DadKat from the Lounge. I mean, have you SEEN that Catio? DadKat is the Frank Lloyd Wright of the Cat World.

    Hmm. Bins. Maybe I need me one a them.

  7. Do you think we can borrow your mom to come over and build us a cat low-rise?

  8. I like your sleeping bins. Very nice. Can I get one?

  9. Those are *very* cool! In fact, we think we'd love to have a couple of them too!

  10. Very nice idea and those bins look very comfy!

  11. We are happy you have nice windows to look out of, easily. We love that about our house.

  12. I really like the sleeping bin. I think we need to petition Mom and Dad for some of those.

  13. Those boxes look cozy and you have a nice spot for them!


Wowee meowee.