Thursday, April 07, 2011

Thursday Wrap-Up.

So we've had a pretty exciting couple of weeks! Things are finally getting into place and my mom is almost done with the old house. She has a few things to move still and then cleanup and yard sale. But I think I've talked her into staying here for most of the weekend–I know she's tired and I know we can get her to take it easy.

Have fun this weekend, everybody! I hope you find new places to explore like us!


  1. Hey, you guys never had a house trashing party at the old place!

    Although, on second thought, maybe that wouldn't have been the best idea ever.

  2. We bet you kitties can talk your Mom into relaxing this weekend!!!
    How could she not want to cuddle with all you cute kitties ??? heehee
    Hmmmmmmm, guess we need to work on our Mom ;)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia

  3. Hmmm. Is that a loving brotherly embrace, or the precursor to a garroting?

  4. oh, a rasseling match...we bet yoo can get yoor mom to chilax, we kitties are good at that.

  5. If you figure out how to get a Mom to settle down, please let us know!

  6. We hope you all have a relaxing weekend - you deserve it!

  7. I think you deserve to have her all to yourselves for awhile!

  8. Hope you get your mum to relax a bit. She needs it, and you all need mum time!

  9. We're sorry we couldn't post during your big move, but we sent good thoughts your way. We hope your mommy does take it easy this weekend. She deserves the break, and so do you kitties.

    I'm sorry your move was so awful. I hope I never have to do it. I'm sure once your bird feeders are up and you have your reality TV channel back you'll feel better

  10. Glad to see all is well in the new place and happy to hear mom got the mosaic moved!!


Wowee meowee.