Well, you can't really see what we did, but there were about 900 crows visiting in the front yard on Sunday morning. (OK, maybe 20.) Personally, I love crows. We had a blast watching them and they didn't seem to care that we were at the door. My mom even put out some walnuts for them and they seemed to like those. Some of them were even using that grab-and-eat method that Russell uses when he eats other kids' dinners but knows he shouldn't. It was just like our dinnertime!

Then Mom tried to take their picture and they all flew off. Oh well.
Gracie and Russell, we are so glad to see you back, and you, too, William! We were missing you yesterday and were fearing that you were still feeling trollified from your experience at the cat fix it on Thursday. We are sorry to hear that your mom had a yucky day yesterday, but OUR day was made much brighter by your return.
ReplyDeleteCan we pretend there REALLY were 900 crows? We think your story is more fun that way. We have enormous ravens here, no crows at all!
ReplyDeleteLet's pretend! 900 crows!!! Sounds fun and yummy??
ReplyDeleteThen again, with bird flu, better not!
we love to watch crows! they like the walnut tree across the street from our house. how fun!
ReplyDeleteI like crows since they look like me (well, okay, they're black anyway). 900 would be awesome, but 20 is cool too. You look really tall, Pretzel.
ReplyDeleteWe see lots of crows when we walk Jan. They sure look big enough to make a meal.
ReplyDeleteBuddy, Merci & Sam
MOL, crows don't like being photographed any more than we kitties do!
ReplyDeleteI'm scared of crows! I'm scared of anything that moves fast! I feel that all things shud move at the speed of a stagnant puddle of water.
We get lots of crows too, but we don't like them because they keep yelling "WERK WERK" at us.
ReplyDeleteI wish the crows didn't fly off so fast -- I'd love to see that picture. And sorry to hear about your trip to the vet. That's no fun at all.
That's some great Cat TeeVee! We gets lots of crows here too. We not really feeds them, but they eats the feral kitties fud, but only when the kitties aren't there.
ReplyDeleteBut it must have been way fun to watch!
ReplyDeleteThat many crows all gathered together, must've been very exciting. We hope you called some over for a closer look.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like so much fun. We've never seen that many birds at one time.
ReplyDeleteOh how exciting!
ReplyDeleteWe have a group of 5 that regularily patrols the neighborhood.