Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Again.

So I thought my mom was making chocolate nip cookies tonight but it turns out they're chocolate chip cookies.

Pfft. I can't eat those.


  1. Yuck - we'd much rather have nip cookies! Mr. William, my mom lost her head for a few days, but we found it for her and she'll be making her donation to the Wounded Warrior Project tomorrow!! Is there any particular person you would like for us to mention when we do this? Like, do you make it in a certain person's name or honor?

  2. Mommy says she's eaten chocolate People Nip cookies...but she never inhaled!
    heh heh.

  3. Why adulterate Nip with flour an sugar? We like like ours STRAIGHT! Um, we might like some ham added...

  4. Well, you could eat them, but she'd get ticked off and you'd probably get sick...

  5. Aww, that's too bad, William. Guess the cookie gods weren't smiling on either of us today. Better luck tomorrow.

  6. Sheesh! The Humans are SUCH a disappointment to us, aren't they?

  7. We're sorry, we thought our email was in our profile, but we weren't sure. Thanks for getting back to us. We'll probably not dedicate our donation to anyone unless our mom can think of someone tomorrow when she goes to make the donation. Thanks again for letting us piggy back on your commentathon. :) If you do need to contact our mom, her email is janaras2001 @t yahoo d0t c0m

  8. Nip cookies sound so much better than chip cookies!

  9. Well, as long as they had chocolate in them, you couldn't eat them anyway. Come on over to my Gotcha Day party. We have nip treats.


  10. Absolutely a waste of time! What good's a cookie without nip in it?

  11. Hey, now there's a thought - NIP COOKIES!

  12. Y'know the next time your mom bakes you might tell her to make you some parmesian fish...I remember when she made you some of those...yummy!

  13. Yum -- chocolate nip. Gotta see about that!

  14. Doggone William, chocolate chip cookies instead of chocolat nip cookies. Wow, how disappointing. Better pull a protest.


  15. Mom says she can come over to help eat them if need be.


Wowee meowee.