Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Tuesdays With Russell.

My mom won't let me go see the balloons. I am not "too little." William could come along. We could go together!

There's a kangaroo and everything. Olivia could come along too.

Come on, Mom!


  1. The do make big hissing noises ya know?!? That picture is so good!!!

  2. Mom says she wishes she could see those balloons.

  3. I don't understand why you can't go. I hear those balloons have great big baskets underneath! I wish I could go see those neat balloons, so does my mommy.

    I hope she changes her mind!

  4. There is FIRE involved. That is scary... We hate ta say it, but Mom may be right.

  5. Wow, that looks like fun! What a gyp that you are not allowed to go!

    BTW, those fish on your blog? My human keeps trying to overfeed them and kill them. She is mean.

  6. Russell, your Mom is quite unfair! Cats belong in baskets, and those balloons have great BIG baskets. Maybe you should put a pillow under your blanket and sneak out.

  7. Awww Russell. My Angel woofie brother Chackie tells me that those things are DEMONIC.
    Mummy's family used to live on a golf course in Australia and they would see a balloon joyride up almost every morning, and Chackie would burrow into his hidey hole because those huge things shouldn't just float in the air.
    Sounds too scary for me!!!

  8. Oh Russell-Pretzel, you are **so** right! Your mom is being really mean! She could wrap you all up like little burritos and put you in a basket and take you out to see the show! Maybe you could even get a free ride! Sigh. Humans are sooooo uncooperative!

    P.S. I notice you did not mention bringing Caroline. Hmmmmm.

  9. Yes I think you are big enough! It looks fascinating.

  10. We think your Mom is right, those balloons can be pretty loud and scary up close.

  11. If they float by your house, that would be better.

  12. One of those ballons came over our garden once and it scared us because it roared at us and made fire. We were frightened when we went outdoors for a long time after and kept looking into the sky for it.

  13. All those balloons look really cool!
    Maybe if you had a stroller you could go, but you still might not like the activity & noise. Best stay at home & nap!


Wowee meowee.