Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Meezer Wednesday.

It's me, Caroline!

You can't see him, but that menace of a brother is right behind me! I have to constantly be on alert!

I guess the heat isn't having that much of an effect on him after all. (What a baby.)


  1. Poor Caroline, just ignore him and take a nap, it will bug the heck outta him!

  2. I'm pretty sure menace is a synonym for brother. Or sibling kitty. Or maybe just Buddah...

  3. Now Caroline, I really hate to say this, but.....I am starting to doubt you.

    See, Russell looks so very sweet and friendly and vulnerable and nonthreatening, and you? Well, I gotta say you seem a little...high strung?

    Are you really sure he's such a bother?

  4. That orinch boy better be nice to you, or us two orinch boys will come and put some muscle on him.

  5. Caroline, you have beautiful eyes! We're sorry we just found out about Olivia's illness. We know you guys must have been worried. We are keeping all our paws crossed that she continues to do well. That's 12 paws between all of us plus our Mom & Dad's 4, so that's a lot of paws.
    Purrs & Nuzzles,
    Puff , Spot, Baby Jake, Mom & Dad

  6. Caroline,
    Just say the word and we'll GPS him and then you'll know where he is ALL THE TIME.

  7. that's really rough - being on alert all the time is TIRING

  8. Caroline, we think you should just ignore him.

  9. Ah I think you look very angry about that. I wouldn't cross you if I were him!

  10. Caroline
    THAT is a fabulous picture of you!


  11. It's a tough job being queen of the house...lil peons pester!


Wowee meowee.