Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday Wrap-Up.

Well, another week. My mom began working from home again on Tuesday and will be doing that into next week too. That's kinda fun, even if she won't let me join her in a lunchtime nap. I don't bug her too much about that, though. I know it's best for her to rest quietly.

Funnest part of the week? Russell jumping from the window above the desk and getting one back foot into the coffee cup Mom had left there on his landing. Amazingly he didn't tip it, but boy was he upset–he goes completely mental over the smell of coffee and there was just enough of the cold stuff left to soak his toes!

I'm sure Caroline got a big kick out his misstep, too!

Here's to a very springish weekend! Have fun, everybody!


  1. Poor Russell--but it must have been funny to watch! Have a wonderful spring weekend to you too!

  2. A coffee paw, yuck, don't think that sounds like fun...but the weekend does!

  3. Heh. Did he get a caffeine buzz from licking it off?

  4. hee hee! what's that old saying about looking before leaping?

    How nice to get more Mom time! We know being around Cats has to be very beneficial to her well-being. After all, our Mommy is perfectly well adjusted...

  5. Cool you get to have your mum work from home. Are you sure can't take a lunchtime nap together?

  6. Me, now I think Caroline probably put that mug there!

  7. Ahhh, the coffee.. human nip!! But not so nice on the paws!

  8. Ooh, we hate the smell of coffee. Fortunately, TBT does too. We hafant had ta smell it since the last time the Granparents visited. They LOVE that stuff...

  9. Aww...... We think Caroline made that happen. :) The Ways of Kitteh are mysterious indeed.

  10. We hope you all have a wonderful Friday and happy weekend too. Lots of continued purrs for your mom!

  11. Poor Russell...that is very funny though! I'm glad your mom's hunting place lets her hunt at home while her back is so hurty.
    Hope your weekend is springish for you too.

  12. Mawhawhaw! Poor Russell, but it's very funny! We would have loved to see his face :))
    Have a happy weekend!
    Purrs, Keiko Kenji & Pricilla
    PS- we just love how you have fish on your page!!

  13. We feel bad for Russell, but think it would have been fun to watch ;-) We bet Caroline laughed a lot about that.

    Have a nice weekend,
    Charlemagne and Tamar

  14. Better coffee than the indigo dye vat that Squeak, the brainless kitten we sat landed a paw in! Her paw was BLUE for a week!



Wowee meowee.