Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Meezer Wednesday.

It's me, Caroline!

I like to encourage Mom while she's doing her back exercises. So when she's lying on the floor, I'm lying on the floor too!

It's fun having her on my level. I get to show her my smile, and I usually get a belly rub or two!


  1. It sure is nice of you to be there to help!

  2. Oh Caroline, you're nice to say that 'bowt your mom, but, you know, the Humans are never really on our level.

  3. You need to help your mum work on her back. Being on the floor with here will help.

  4. We get all nervous when Mommy does floor exercizes. Rupert chirps the entire time and gets in the way!

  5. Humans can use lots of encouragement to persist with their back exercises becaue they are boring to have to do. I am sure your Mom appreciates you joining her.

  6. Humans should come down to our level often. It has the best vantage point after all.

  7. Caroline, you are a good physical therapist. And you have a delightful smile!

  8. Caroline, I'll bet your sweet smile and floofy tummy have special healing qualities as well as your encouragement.

  9. Caroline, with that smile and blue eyes, you could get anything you want!


Wowee meowee.