Sunday, May 09, 2010

Easy Like Sunday.

Hope all you cat moms had a wonderful day. We let our mom do our claws with a minimum of squealing and struggling, which we know she appreciated!


  1. That was so kind of you all to do that! I'm impressed.

  2. Good work, kids! We kept the spatting to the bare minimum for our Mommy today. Do you get another Mom week?

  3. Mum got me on the clippy claws tonight too. I didn't squirm too much.


  4. Happy Mother's Day to your mommy!! It was nice of you not to fight to much. I let mommy get a "family photo" with all four of us and didn't fight much either. I don't like to be held ever, even for photos so she appreciated it.
    We hope you got to spend extra snuggle time with her. I did with mine!

  5. So, what are you guys lookin' at out there? Or are you just doing some post-clip sulking?

  6. That was definitely very Mothers Dayish of you.

  7. Happy Mother's Day to yur Mom!!
    ~Meeko & Kiara

  8. You guys are very kind to your mummy. We won't let ours TOUCH the claws!

  9. Happy Mommy's day to your mom as well~!
    You guyes are great!

  10. Happy Mother's Day to your mummy for yesterday! It's nice of you to let her do the claws without too much fuss. We still carry on and wriggle around and our mummy tells us we're drama-kitties!
    Purrs, Keiko Kenji & Pricilla

  11. We're impressed! That was a lovely Mother's Day "treat" for your mom! :-)

  12. The dreaded claw trimming. We simply don't permit it.

  13. It was nice of you to cooperate with your mom for the claw trimming. So far, our Mommy hasn't been brave enough to try doing that to us...heehee

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  14. That wasn't very nice of your mom to pick mother's day to trim your nails. You can't claw the mom up on mother's day...sheesh!


Wowee meowee.