Sunday, May 02, 2010

Better Late Than Never Sunday.

So where did spring go, anyway? We've had to turn the heat on every morning for the last three days because of a cold front that blew through. Today it was more like February! But–we got all cuddly with Mom so that was good.

Anyway, my mom will be working from home all next week and we're so glad. We think this will be very helpful in her recovery. It will almost be like Take Your Cat To Work Day but we won't have to go anywhere!


  1. We always get tons of Cheerios when DKM works from home! ~Fiona and Orlando

  2. Oh William! You're so lucky to have mom home with you for a whole week! I don't like my human as much as you do yours, but even I would like to have her around a little more often!

  3. I hope the week working from home really helps your Mom to get better.

    Weather? All gone crayz. It was in the high 80s here after being chilly a few days before.

  4. At least you guys are getting spring... we're heading into winter *pout*

  5. Glad your mum can hunt at home this week.

    Hope you all get heaps of time with your mom.

    Mashenak the Darling

  6. We're glad your mom can work from home this week and hope that helps her feel better.

  7. Wow, you will have one fine time with Mom home!!!

  8. Have fun with your mum being home all week.

  9. Yay! We're glad your Mom is working from home this week! xoxo

  10. Always good to curl up with the Mom person.

  11. You guys will LOVE your Mom home all week! Maybe you can coax her into a nap in the afternoons...
    We are freezing in Vegas! Where is Summer?
    xx lounge kats

  12. Yes, nothing beats "Take Your Cat To Work" week from home.

  13. Oh man, you get to have your Mom home for a week!!!! Bet she won't get any work done,heehee
    Yup, she will heal with kitty power!!!! Stay cozy too ;)
    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie


Wowee meowee.