Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesdays With Russell.

Because my bro has been so busy taking care of our mom, I thought it would be nice to give him a nice relaxing bath.

He is a very good bro to keep an eye on Mom. And while he's doing that, I get to chase any spring bugs that get in the house without having to share the spoils!


  1. Yum! Bugs! Any crunchy ones? We think those are the tastiest.

    xx Lounge Kats

  2. Oh man...doood...just...wrong...

  3. I bet William had something good-tasting on his chin. You boys are cute. Glad you are getting the yummy bugs.

  4. Aww, that's nice of you to help your brother with his grooming. Sometimes I try to help my humans by grooming the fur they have on top of their heads ... but it's too long! We should teach our humans to do this! Purrrs --- Dorian

  5. You're a good brother. Was that special moment followed by a bitey? Just wonderin'.


  6. Gosh William, if your tongue isn't too tired when you're done, would you mind coming over? I need some help with a few spots a can't reach.

    Max S

  7. I hope your Mom is getting better. Tell her to rest and ice.

  8. you are furry nice to gif yer brofur a spa treatment! we're sure he's relaxin' an' enjoyin' it since he's been workin' so hard.

    an' we hopes an' purrs that yer mom keeps gettin' better!!

  9. Russell, you're a real gentleman cat. And you're doing well by doing good!

  10. Awww, that's awful sweet of ya! Baths can sometimes turn into biteys though, hahameow


Wowee meowee.