Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday Wrap-Up.

Our lilacs are in bloom! Last year we had no flowers because a late April freeze froze all the buds, so we're pretty excited about these. I can even smell them on the breeze through an open window!


And even though my mom has one more day of hunting in her short week, I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I think she is too–she says her back/leg problem is much worse when she's not at home. Well of course–it's because I'm not with her!

Have a great weekend, everybody! Hope your flowers are blooming, too!


  1. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! Lilacs!!!!! They smell so lovely :)
    We think your Mom should stay close to you if she wants to recover ;)
    You have the healing touch :)
    Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

  2. Our lilacs are just starting to bloom. Always one of my favorites of spring...

  3. Oh William,
    Such lovely flowers. Mommy misses lilacs in the desert. Soon the jasmine will blossom...that almost makes up for it! Take care of your Mom's back.

    xx Lounge Kats

    ps you are handsome again!

  4. Well then she should always stay home with you shouldn't she?

  5. Mmm, we love da smell of lilacs! Hope yoo can fix yoor mom's back/leg prollem over da weekend.

  6. Your lilac's are loverly. Ours are leafing out and getting ready to bloom. Mum loves the smell of the too.

  7. Wow, we dont got THOSE plants here. You are real lucky. They are SO PRETTY!

  8. We hope your Mom's back leg gets better soon...sorry, I confuse easily. Have a great weekend!!!

  9. Your lilacs are gorgeous! Ours are just starting to come now, still tiny and green. Unfortunately, our human can't smell anything anymore, but she still loves to look at them.

    We're sending lots of purrs and healing Light to your mom; have a wonder-full weekend!

  10. Oh they smell so good! Brian's confusion about your mom's back leg made my mom laugh!

  11. What a gorgeous pic of the lilacs! And of course of you too, William.

    Our lilacs are starting, which is much earlier than usual - the tradition in our house is to pick a few for the "tea tray" for Mom on Mother's Day, but they may be finished by then. Warm weather has hurried things along, we think.

  12. The only thing blooming right now is daffodils, tulips & hyacinths. We won't see lilacs for about 3 weeks yet.

  13. Your lilacs are beautiful. We hope your mum's back is soon better.

  14. Lilacs are moms very favorite flower in the whole world! Those are gorgeous!

  15. My mum loves lilacs too. We have a lilac on our patio, it has lots of little buds on but it is not in bloom yet. We have daffodils, tulips, camellias and forsythia out at the moment, we get the lilacs in May.

  16. Mom would love Caroline!! We would play with it until it played dead, then walk away from it!! That would totally freak Mom out :/
    She wants us to dispatch those things
    We would rather have Temptations, heehee
    Mom just hopes the biggies never get inside!!!!!!!
    Have fun with your Mom this weekend :)
    Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

  17. Oh, lovely lilacs! Mewmie has a brown thumb and while she planted lilacs about 5 years ago...they have never bloomed!!

  18. Mmmmmmm ... fragrance on the air.


Wowee meowee.