Thursday, April 08, 2010

Another Thursday.

But at least it means another Friday in a matter of hours! And we're supposed to have two Mom days on top of that! Hopefully that won't get postponed at the eleventh hour again because we plan on pinning her down so that her poor disk gets better. I have no idea what that is but I do know we've all learned some pretty colorful compound swears! She really hasn't been all that much fun in the last few weeks and we really hope to fix that, too.

Have a fun weekend, everybody! Here's to spring sunshine and open windows!


  1. Lots of purrs for your mum she gets to feeling better and you get you mum days.

  2. I hope that you get a chance to pin her down and purr at her until she heals. Whether she wants to or not.

  3. Yup, she needs a good pinning and purring. The Woman has a bad back and when I manage to get on it and purr, she always says "Yeah, thanks, that helps a lot."

    I aim to serve.

  4. Compound swears are the most difficult ones! You should be impressed with your Mom.

  5. Oh, we hope your mom is better soon! We're sending her purrs and healing Light.

  6. Is the bad disk in her back or her computer? Either way it is no fun. Hope things improve soon.

  7. Oh William - what a cute pose, that oughta' get your Mom to have a cuddle or two with you!

  8. Great picture! We hope you get to spend some time with your mum this weekend. Even if you have to sit on her to do it.

  9. William, you have very kissable cheeks!

  10. William, you have very kissable cheeks!

  11. Good luck with helping the Mom get better. And enjoy your sun!

  12. Yep, you need to make sure that Mom does nothing but rest!!!

  13. You look dreamy today William!
    Enjoy the mom time!

  14. You are looking very handsome William. Good luck with that disk.

  15. Goodbye my dearest furriends. The Bridge has called to me and I have decided to answer.

    I will see you here.

    Your dearest furriend,


  16. "Sigh...." we black cats are just the most beautiful creatures... sleek, elegant...... did I just say sleek....... hope the disc gets better soon,
    Shrek & Family

  17. Purrs to your Mom that she feels better soon! We think that pinning her down so that she can rest is a very good idea and we're sure that she'd appreciate all of the kitty snuggles!

    Happy weekend,
    Charlemagne and Tamar

  18. William, if anycats can fix your Mom,you cats can!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We purr you get all that time to do it too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie


Wowee meowee.