Friday, March 26, 2010

Eeek Week.

Boy, it's been a trying week. First, we learned our Mom day had been cancelled. Then my mom's back seized up on her on Saturday afternoon while she was doing some landscaping. She was hobbling around like an even older little old lady and still she had to go hunting all week anyway. Wednesday she finally went to the mom fix-it place for some sort of human cat nip. That's been interesting! And all throughout our pc got worse and worse and worse, and even though Mom couldn't find a virus or a trojan or a rootkit causing the problem, she knew there was something terribly wrong. She wound up having to back up all the data and photos and music and stuff and then restore the pc, which she finally completed tonight. Now comes the fun part–reinstalling all our software and swill. But maybe I can talk her into getting a new pc soon and that way she won't bother with it any more until then and instead pay more attention to us.

But the good news is that we're back, and Mom won't be doing any yard work for a very long time!

*From William's mom: As far as I could guess, I think this was an n.exe variant or a SHeur3 variant or both [trojans]. I have no idea how this happened, what with a firewall, anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-malware all up to date and running–no doubt a drive-by before signatures could catch it. But in case you think you have a problem, these were the signs: first connectivity starts to get slower and slower and slower, your protection software will eventually become impossible to update, and your applications will systematically stop launching.


  1. Meow Your poor mom, I know when my mom has laptop problems she is very upset. No cuddle time till she has fixed it. Once she just left me, come back two hours latter, spent hours on this new laptop that was pink. She said told me the old one died. She then went on a very long visit (like weeks), left me with my daddy for a long time, and come back with all her pictures and documents on a disc and no old laptop. I hear the person she visited was a friend who had a son who is a expert.

    Mashenak the Darling

  2. Yikes! Your mom has had a very difficult week, with back troubles and computer problems. :-(

    Sending lots of purrs and healing Light!

  3. Owwie. We're sorry your Mom has been having all these problems. We hope everything gets fixed completely soon.

  4. Oh yikes! We are glad your mum has got her computer sorted out. We hope her back is soon better too.

  5. Y'all sure had and awful computer bug and back bug...hope all stays better now!

  6. Wow, it was a rough week at your house! We're just glad that your Mom is feeling better and that you got the computer back up and running. Glad to see you again!

  7. Scary. We're glad your mom took care of the virus but it was a lot of extra work.

    We hope she feels better soon!

  8. A lot happened with you guys. We're glad you're back.

    Hope your mom is feeling better. And, that your computer is working again.

  9. Ugh. people who write viruses need to have their nads slathered with Ben Gay...

  10. We feel your pain. Mum is just finished getting our puter all back up and running again too. But she says thank goodness for backup!

  11. Oh Bast, tand the Mom hat sounds awful! We hope the puter is all fixed by now.

  12. Yikes!!!!!!!! Your poor Mom and computer :(
    We hope your Mom and the 'puter are fixed ;) Our 'puter is getting old too(like mom,heehee)
    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
    PeeEss: Is your link list through bloglines? We would like to put one on our page :)( if it's not to hard to do ,hahaha)

  13. Wow - lots of not so good stuff! We're glad to hear that Mom's back is getting better and hope that you can get a reschedule on Mom day so that you all get extra cuddles and loves!

    Charlemagne and Tamar

  14. We're sorry your Mom is having computer problems. We have had computer problems and they are no fun.

    Hope your Mom's back feels better very soon!

  15. OMC, our mewmie was frustrated just reading about all your puter problems. She says she is just glad when her's comes on in the morning...she'd have to call for help if it didn't...she wouldn't know where to start! But Pierro's lapman is a Mac expert and he would help!

  16. You guys know your mom needs a cat massage, right? My mom says it would be heavenly if only she could get us to do it in the right places, rather than on her face or bladder.

  17. OMG, what a coincidence! I'm dealing with win32/heur too, despite running up to date antivirus and spyware, etc. I have no idea where it came from and am having an awful time getting rid of it. Don't even know if the computer can be saved at this point. Good luck!

    Crew's Mom


Wowee meowee.