Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Tuesdays With Russell.

And here I am in my window! OK, so maybe it's really my bro's window. Anyway, do you know what happened after William and Olivia came home from the cat fix-it place? Screamoline and Pee Queen and I had to have our toes done, and all because W and O had a courtesy clip while they waited for Dr. R! Was it my fault that they had time on their paws?

Well, I just squirmed and twisted and tried to spring away with only three free feet just to show my mom how unhappy I was! And what does she do? She says, "Russell, don't make me pull off your leg. Russell, if you'd stop squirming, we'd be done now. Russell, you are not getting away until we're done. Russell, don't make me cut off your feet."

(Yeah, yeah, "Russell blah blah blah.")


  1. Yeah I hear ya about the squirm and squirm thing. I just hate having my nails done.

  2. Ha! Our Mom says the same things to us only insert "Raymond" in the place of Russell. Can't they see we need our claws LONG?

  3. Good job! You know when they're threatening to pull limbs off you're getting to the,!

  4. You're so handsome, Russell--how could she treat you so badly? It's outrageous!

  5. You have the innocent look almost as perfected as Harley does.

    I don't have to tolerate the claw trimming (ain't got none) but I do remember my brother Rusty having to have it done and he hated it. Mom would usually wait until he was asleep and then sneak in one claw at a time. Took quite a while, as it was important not to let him wake up!

  6. We don't like having our toes done either and we make it sound like we are being tortured so our mom won't attempt it very often.

  7. We hate having our nails trimmed too. Mom can't understand what the fuss is about, she just doesn't get that it's absolute, horrible torture! She even tries to sneak up on us when we're asleep, but we're smarter than that.

    -Annie, Nicki and Derry

  8. Nail clippings mean treats at our house. All dozen pets get the treatment all in one session. I'm the treat holder while DP is the madd clipper :).
    ~Lisa Co9T

  9. Clippy claw time is the worst. Even our guinea pigs don't like it.

  10. No clip-the-claws time here. We get to keep them long and sharp.

  11. Empty threats, Russell, empty threats. Unless it's Caroline making them!

  12. ::covers the mom lady person's eyes:: - RUSSELL!!! Now you might gif my mom lady person some ideas about what to say to ME when she tries clippy clawrs on ME! - Billy


Wowee meowee.