Monday, June 22, 2009

Brotherly Love.

What? It's only a little nip.


  1. Nip? Who's got nip?

    *That's* what the 2 of you need -- copious amounts of catnip, and by the end of the night you'll be BFF.

  2. Doesn't look yike the nipp-ee feelz dat da nipper is bein' very gentle at all! YOWZA!

  3. I agree with A Few Good Cats...lay on the nip and you'll be the bestest of brothers!

  4. Hmmmph, Simba is desprit to go out coz he's used to being an indoor/outdoor kitteh. Alfie isn't ready to go out yet (I think he'd be happy to be an indoor-only kitteh). Anyhoo, I tried to put a harness on Simba and he was having none of it! Bit and scratched the blood out of me! Anyhoo, minutes later we were friends again, yay!

    ::Purrs and paw waves from Alfie (with me now) and Simba:: :) xxx

  5. Russell looks a bit shocked! Are you sure it was just a little nip, William?

  6. Eric is right. William, why did you put the bitey on Russell?

  7. William!! I'm shocked you'd attack poor, innocent (heh heh) (chuckle) (snort) (Hahahahaha) (ahem) sorry, where was I...poor, innocent Russ... (ahahahahaha) wait, I can't go on. He must have deserved it, right?

  8. Just a nip...might leave some holes behind.... ;)

  9. William...that wasn't very nice. Poor Russell, he looks quite shocked! What did he do to you to deserve it, though? Probably something... ;)

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  10. Geez...isn't that what brothers are suppose to do???


Wowee meowee.