Thursday, December 18, 2008


Yep, my mom hijacked our computer for days. And of course now she says she has to do stuff for a party that's tomorrow at the place where she hunts. Pfft.

So this is what's been happening. Gracie the little princess got her own cat box. (We all use it too because, you know, it's different.) She also had Russell backing up to get away from her. She is sometimes a seven-pound troll. And once at dinner when Russell tried to butt in? She whapped him!

Russell played with all the magnets on the refrigerator until half of them mysteriously disappeared and Mom took the remaining ones off.

Olivia, Caroline and I were very good and got treats.

We'll be catching up soon!


  1. It seems things are slowing down all around the CB! Audience participation for the latest CCSI episode was so low we will have to run it again in January....

  2. I hope that you will be back on your own soon and that your Gracie gets herself under control!

  3. My goodness, there's lots of action where you are!

  4. It seems many things happened between you~!!
    And it's very interesting~~~

  5. Your Mom should check to see if the magnets are stuck to the underneath of the refrigerator somewhere - we once found a bunch of "missing" magnets our kitty had played with under there - remember, they are going to stick to anything steel!

  6. Oh wow, now that she has her very own little box, that Gracie will think she is Queen...not just princess. Santa will make it up to you I'm sure.

  7. William, it sounds as though there's plenty going on where you are. Try to get it under control and come around when you can. We hope Gracie finds her place and you all become one big happy family.

  8. I was worried something was wrong as you hadn't posted. Glad it was just your mum hijacking the puter.

  9. That was a good suggestion about looking for the magnets stuck under the refrigerator. Gracie sounds like she is fitting herself right in.

  10. Hi William, I'll bet Santa will be extra good to you this year because you are an especially good, kind and generous cat.

    Oh my, I hope Russell just hid to magnets under the refrigerator rather than swallowing them!!!

    Take care all :)

  11. Shove Russell up against the fridge. If he sticks, you know where the magnets went...

  12. Hi!

    Wishing you and your kitties a very merry christmas! :)

    Aim and Mia the kitty

  13. Hey William, watch out that your Mom and Gracie don't become Boss Cats at your place! Put your paw down with a firm... erm... paw!?! :) xxx

  14. Sounds like lively times at your place!!!!!
    MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all in case I don't get back here :)



Wowee meowee.