Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Mishmash.

I like that word–mishmash!

Eons ago I got a bunch of awards. Thanks to my buds Hendrix, Black Cat, Lucy and Trixie for even considering me, especially since I'm so slow. I didn't really forget, I'm just a turtle. Hey, maybe there should be a Turtle Award!

Thanks, guys!

Some of you may know I switched blogrolls. Well, since I couldn't get to the old one and I was working off a really old list and bookmarks, I know I've missed some of you. If you see you're not out there, just let me know and I'll fix it.

I think I had other stuff to say but I got distracted. I don't think this is too broken. See?


  1. Congrats on your award. I don't think I am on your blogroll.

  2. Congratulations on your awards, William~!
    And I am on your blogroll as well~!

  3. Hmmm...the toy is a LITTEL broken, but not too much. Buddah has one of those...he would still play with it even if the little shelf was broken off...

  4. Congratulations on your awards. The toy doesn't look too broken to play with. Have fun.

  5. It isn't so broken that you can't have fun with it!
    We're ready for Russell...does he like snow? Should we send a box?

  6. If you are a turtle, you are cutest, furriest turtle we know!

  7. Broken is in the eye of the beholder. I say as long as it's not dangerous and you still play on it, it's not broken.

  8. I think it makes a perfect side-ways scratching thingy.


  9. Mishmash is one of our gramma's favorite words! Once when mom was about 4 years old she took all the flower petals from her moms flowers in the planter and mixed them with water & mud. When gramma came out and asked her what she thought she was doing, young mom answered "making mishmash." It's a family legend.

  10. Congratulations on your awards and the toy looks fine to me :)


Wowee meowee.