Now it is dead. Dead! Face first into the sink. And now...no time, no music, no anything. Poor Dream Machine.

I didn't even have to investigate. I didn't even need to take into account the debris on the floor: the refrigerator scarf, the dishtowel, the list of emergency cat phone numbers, the Animal Poison Center magnet. Believe me, I know from my wild youth that nothing just leaps to its death without a bit of help. And now that I am more mature, I know it could only be...Master Russell in the Kitchen with the dreaded Go Off Like A Roman Candle From The Top Of The Refrigerator Move!

Poor, old clock radio. Much sympathy to your mom.
ReplyDeleteSo hard to see radio at this time, so sorry that the machine is dead!
ReplyDeleteI may have eaten several buttons off of the remote and it may have taken a bath in the fountain... but it was Orlando's fault! Honestly! ~Fiona Bun
ReplyDeleteAh youth, I remember those destructive days with a certain fondness...
ReplyDeletePoor Dream Machine. Condolences to your mom. It's hard to lose anything favorite that has been around since way before you.
ReplyDeleteRussell looks so very innocent, doesn't he.
mommy still uses her sony dream machine - it's triangle shaped! and i know how to turn off the beepy part! - Sammy
ReplyDeleteRussell - great moves dude!!!
On no! Poor dream machine. I don't know if Russell did it though. He looks so relaxed in the photo.
ReplyDeleteOh dear. Thanks for visiting and for the congrats:) Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteOh poor clock. I'm sure Russell was just trying to change the radio station or check the time. Dad has a really old clock (circa first grade) that is still around somewhere, but his favorite is long gone, an old Sunbeam clock with the flip numbers.
ReplyDeleteYou mom did a great job on the shed out back. It looks so much better!
If there is no proof no one should be blamed... he he he. That's what I say when something dies in our house.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry about the old favorite though.
You know, I just thought of something. Maybe it was Caroline practicing for the Vancouver Olympics who really knocked it over? Sorry Caroline...Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteOh, Russell!
ReplyDeleteheh heh
ReplyDeleteRIP little clock radio.
We thought maybe it "fell" into the sink but it I guess Russell helped it. Poor old dream machine.
ReplyDeleteNow, see, that's what I'm talking about. Powerful hind legs are not just for bunny kicking. A cat is *supposed* to make big leaps like that.
ReplyDeleteI used to make giant leaps like that when I was younger, and my human dad would tell my human mom, "If he didn't jump like that, then he wouldn't be a Good Cat." Obviously, he Gets It.