Thursday, October 25, 2007

Giant Full Moon Tonight.

Hmm...I wonder how much of a racket it will take to make Mom get out of bed tonight to yell at us? Last night at about 1:45 she got all cross with Russell and she yelled down the hallway, "RUSHELL, ISH TSH TSH SSH, DSH ISH! SHH USH!" (She wears a nightguard on her teeth, so we couldn't really understand her.) Anyway, with 14% more moon, I'm thinking 14% more antics!

The Fluffy Tribe gave me this very sweet award and I really appreciate it! Thanks, guys!

And you know what? Black Cat gave me another I heart Your Blog award! How sweet is that??

I am one lucky tiny boy...with a great big giant moon overhead! Have fun, everybody!


  1. I also heard that the moon will be very big tonight, but our weather today is not good....

  2. Congratulations on your award!

  3. Wm. It was so bright last night! Full moons are wonderful for Thundering herds of Elephants!

  4. Concatulations on your award! Why do moms get all upset when we wake them up? They wake us up with the flashy box after all.

  5. the moon was so bright we bof hadded to sleep UNNER the covers!!

  6. We hope Caroline can control her kangaroo with the full moon.
    Our mom wears a night guard now & then (shes too tense) so we understand the language.

  7. Congratulations on all your awards, you are sweet!!!
    The full moon last night was awesome! Even the maid got up and started wandering around in it - it was splendid!

  8. That's so confusing, Wm. If you can't understand her, how do you know what she wants you to stop doing?

  9. I tagged you for a meme in support of Miss Peach!

  10. It is cloudy and raining here, so we can't see if the moon is full. I think it was full a few days ago, so that was probably when you saw it. It is an indoors night tonight, no moonlight walking.

  11. Congratulations!!! The award was well deserved. Like the Cat Realm I tag you for the Cherish Meme in support for Miss Peach.

  12. 14% more antics! Bwahahahahaha!!!!!

    Sweet!! And a sweet award too,congrats ;)


Wowee meowee.