Thursday, July 19, 2007

William Wonders.

Do you believe in cats on other planets? I wonder about that sometimes.


  1. You bet I do. There is probably a planet where cats do really rule. Wait, we rule here don't we, sort of?

    We could make a movie, "Planet of the Cats" starring William!

  2. I am not sure about the cats on other planets but that is a very nice thoughtful picture of you there!

  3. "Deep thoughts" by William :)

    My mom loves that picture of you. She says you have a very handsome face.

    -Jasper McKitten-Cat

  4. Good question William. I think there probably are as we are such an intelligent species we are bound to have developed in other galaxies as well. Let me know what you think. FAZ

  5. Miles is from Planet Whacko.

    great pikshur William!

  6. Yes, there are cats on other planets. Maybe not beans but definitly cats. We'z too purrfekt fur one world.

  7. Now you have me wondering if there are buns on other planets...
    ~Fiona Bun

  8. I think there are cats on other planets. Except not Pluto. Definitely not Pluto.

  9. That's something to think about - I wonder if there are ever alien cat abductions.

  10. I do too! Do you think they have funky colored furs like green, pink and yellow? Wouldn't it be cool if they ran their own planet??? Wow.

  11. I think we wouldn't be on the Dogstar either. And, I love your eyes!

  12. That's an interesting thought, William. I think there probably are cats on other planets.

  13. William ... You look so thoughtful in that photo ... Such a lovely boy!


  14. William, you're a very handsome, young man.

    Cats on other planets? You bet! (It's a topic they haven't discussed on C2C yet. We wonder why?)

  15. of course there are cats on other planets, what planet could exist without our guidance??

  16. Of course there's cats everywhere in the universe. How could peeps anywhere live without us to show them how to chill out and relax. Thanks for coming to visit me. My little brother told me his name this morning, so I'm gonna tell you. It's Phineus, but we're gonna call him Phinney when he's little and probably Phin when he gets bigger.

  17. Wow, it's got you very very deep in thought!!


  18. Well of course there are cats on other planets (we asked The Big Thing about "planets" - Wow some of those night lights are "dirt"!). What place could stand to be without cats?

    What we wonder is whether there are beans on those planets. We figure there must be cause somebean HAS to be there to open up the food cans an clean the litterboxes.

  19. I think if there are other planets with ANY life on them of course there are cats! What good would life be without us?

    I just nominated you for a Schmoozing Blogger Award and as I was reading through your posts I see you already have one. Well, you really deserve it!

  20. Sometimes I think Puff is on a planet all his own. And my Mom says that she hopes there are no cats on Uranus.

  21. It might be harrrd to have cats on otherrr planets since they virrrtually rrrule this one.

    By the exprrression on yourrr face yourrr name could have been like my nick name (Lord Vador) from Star Wars--he's frrrom anotherrr planet, he's powerrrful, and likes to wearrr black. Oh he also causes Mass Destrrruction too--purrrhaps you arrre rrrelated?

    Yourrr Furrrend,


  22. There has to be. Cause surely teenagers are not from here...

  23. I don't know if they stay on other Planets, because these KITTEN BRATS have to be from somewhere. They are realy strange. We didn't act like they do as Kittens. Now we will be dreaming and pondering this for months. Maybe it's inspect the kittens time...

    Disturbed. We are disturbed. We are not alone...

    Purrs to you and thanks for making our brain work harder hehehe


    Zed Monster

  24. Humm...I don't know but if there are I wonder if they are wondering the same things we're wondering at the same time.

    Maybe if there are cats on other planets they could get a blog and write to us and let us know.

  25. Of course there are silly. They come visit Rosemary all the time. She chases them around the house. Sometimes she wins, sometimes the cats from outer space do.

  26. There have to be cats on other planets...what else is the Universe good for? And of course, there are staff on those planets, to serve the cats!


Wowee meowee.