Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday On The Fourth Of July.

See how I'm smiling?

Make sure you claim the futon before the fireworks start. You can hide behind the pillows if it gets really scary.

Happy Fourth of July, everybody! Be safe tonight.

For more Meezer Rule Wednesday, visit Cat Crossings and Sammy and Miles.


  1. Furry good advice ... I can hear the fireworks right now.

    Happy Fourth of July to you and your fambly!

  2. What a pretty smile Caroline. We had some scary fireworks but I hid under the bed.

  3. You haff a furry nice smile on your little Meezer face Caroline. We just heard some booms and didn't haff to hide from fireworks. But the little sticky ones came over so that was a little scary.

  4. That futon was made just for you -- you match! I hope you weren't too scared by the fireworks. We had a lot of them near our house but they weren't all that loud.

  5. That's a pretty smile! I hope last night wasn't too scary for you.

  6. Why o why do they have to have those big boomy noisy fireworks? Don't theyz know a cat can gets scared. My momma kept saying, "It's ok, honey. It's ok." But I had a hard time believing her. I'm not a meezer, but I'm going to look into that pillow hiding spot. Hope all the noise is over. Toodles, Tyler

  7. I hadn't thought of hiding behind the pillows! I will have to use that in the future!

  8. you really just haf to claim the foo-ton for yourself all the time anyway. - Miles


Wowee meowee.