Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ladies And Gentlemen...

...start your bird feeders! The most exciting weekend of the year starts on Friday–the Great Backyard Bird Count! And you can participate! Get all the details right here:

Have your mom or dad move your food and water dishes close to your favorite window so you don't miss a moment!

P.S. No teasing, biting or eating anyone you see.


  1. Holy Moly! This is going to be so exciting!

  2. Dang it. No tasting really takes the zing out of it.

  3. Very interesting, Wm. I noticed this morning that all our woodpecker cakes and suet cakes are gone. Those squirrels just eat everything and there's very little left for my birdies! We still have seed in the feeders though, so they won't starve.

    Maxwell Smartkitty

  4. our fev-vers are back! the fev-vers that used to hang out on the wires outside our window in the morning wuz gone fur a while an now they're back! we're furry 'cited!

  5. I will have to alert mum to this. We gotta count fevvers tomorrow. The feeders are all full, she did that today.

  6. Hmm, I was not aware of this wonderful event - thanks!

  7. We saw a a red tailed hawk when we looked for only 15 minutes yesterday! Soooo exciting. Thanks for putting up the reminder for us, William.

    Meezers, we aren't that far south of you. I bet you have some Canadian Sparrows and Cardinals around you.

  8. my Mom bought fresh suet cakes yesterday. it's real cold here and has to be real tough for the birdies. we even take out hot water and put it in a big dish so it won't freeze so fast. we used to have a thing called a solar sipper that kept water from freezin' but it got all broke. have fun!

  9. my Mom bought fresh suet cakes yesterday. it's real cold here and has to be real tough for the birdies. we even take out hot water and put it in a big dish so it won't freeze so fast. we used to have a thing called a solar sipper that kept water from freezin' but it got all broke. have fun!

  10. We had no idea this was happening! We live in NYC and don't really have a backyard but we are telling our mom about this right now! Thanks!

  11. First of all......thanks for calling us ladies, which, of course, we are. is still winter in the Big Piney Woods, so the birds are still down by you, William. You can tell them, if you would, that it has warmed up, and the geese are back, so they can head North.


  12. The birds ar singing wonderfully outside our window. I think William, you would like our upstairs window where you can watch the birds so easily.


Wowee meowee.