Sunday, December 10, 2006

Weekend Wrap-Up.

Well, Mom has not put up the world's largest cat toy yet. She says maybe later this week. ::scowl:: I've promised ninety-two times I won't bite on it. And I was very good with it last year.

She did get another bird feeder, though, so I guess I can let the tree thing go for a little while longer. Now we have four regular feeders, one thistle seed feeder and one peanut feeder. Plus, we usually have one or two fruit and nut bells out, too, so I've had lots of company!

Then we all had two naps this weekend, too, which was fun. Although I kinda woke Mom up yesterday when I tried to open one of her dresser drawers while the girls had her pinned down. She was supposed to stay asleep through that but she didn't, even though I was trying to be as quiet as possible. I am so sure she's hiding cat toys in there.


  1. Wow William, do all mom's keep cat toys in the dresser drawers? Maybe you can find a way to get into the room and check while your mom is at work.

    Sounds like you had a pretty good weekend, except for not seeing what kind of cat toys are in the drawer.

  2. I got into my dad's drawers (snerk) this morning and it was heaven! He said I looked so cute in there he didn't even chase me out. Proving once again that if you put on cute face you can get away with almost anything!

  3. mommy says that she is going to hide our toys somewhere we can nefurr find - the metal monster wif wheels!

  4. They always have creative places to hide things that they insist we can't get into...

  5. We got our world's largest cat toy on Friday! Careful on looking for the cat toys. You don't want to "upset" Mom before she gets your presents. -- Alberata, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu

  6. I don't think it's cat toys in the drawer, Squilliam.

    I think it's weather-stripping!

  7. You know Wm., if you're going to look in drawers you should at least see if Santa came early. Maybe he already left your presents somewhere!

  8. you need to work on those drawers...who know what kind of lucious treats are in there????

  9. Ooh, maybe Kukka's right and there is weather stripping in those drawers. You better keep at it and make sure. Good luck on getting the world's biggest cat toy up soon.


Wowee meowee.