Thursday, October 26, 2006


Along with everybody else, I'm able to leave a comment only every squillionth try. So I think I need to give up for tonight before I get all cross and bite Olivia or something.

Anyway, Mom got my bro a little stool to help him hop up to the regular stool and then to the counter where he gets his special meals. He was having a little trouble making that big jump and this has made it much easier for him. Plus, I like sitting on it too, when he's not using it. Wasn't that nice of my mom?

Eddie on his new stool (and me in the
background, too!), waiting for dinner.
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  1. That WAS nice! You've got a great Mom!

  2. Yer mom must luv yoo a lot to get yer brothur his own stool. Yer mom must be crazie cul!!! Yoo need to give hur eggstra purrs and headbutts tonite!

  3. Wm. that's so nice of your Mom to help Eddie. And it turned out to be very convenient for you too!


  4. What a great idea! Although, I've heard Doggie Steps aren't just for dogs anymore...

  5. Your Meowmie rocks and your little bro looks too cute on the new stool!

  6. Oh Momma did that for her old cat to get on the bed 'cause sometimes it's hard to jump that high...

  7. What a good idea! And thats a nice picture of Eddie.
    Wm we didn't notice you back there till you mentioned it! Very stealthy.

  8. Hey, that's pretty cool. the Woman says when I get old if I have trouble jumping she'll get me stuff to climb on so I can get where I want to go. She BETTER, 'cause I'll remember all the stuff they got for buddah to use to get to the really high wall...

    Funny, Buddah eats on the counter, too, now, but I eat on the floor. The WOman says that keeps the peace...

  9. Very, very nice. What a special Mom you have, William.

  10. Oh you have a very thoughtfull Mom.

  11. Your Mom is awesome. And it's great that Eddie is smart enough to make use of the stools. My Gramma I. tried to help one of her old cats that way, but the cat refused help and just tried to jump OVER the stool. Now she has a young healthy cat that refuses to get on the cat food counter withOUT a chair. Some kitties are weird. But I've never met either of them.

  12. My Momma lets me use a stool too...I don't have the little short one but I have the other. You have an awesome Mommy!

  13. That was a very cool idea your mom had for Eddie! And it's such a bonus that you get to enjoy it too, William! Our mom & Jim had to make steps for Meep to get into the bed, so we totally understand when a kitty needs a lttle extra help.

  14. That was very nice of your mom! She is very kind, considerate, and thoughtful!

  15. Hi William,
    That was sure nice of your mother
    to get Eddie his own stool.Stools are greatto play on. If it's near a
    window you canbirdwatch realgood too.

  16. We cant even post to our blog today! That makes Momma all cranky. She never ever lets us on the counters (what she don't know, won't hurt her.)


  17. That was nice of your mommy. Alls our mommys spoils us so good. I likes muffinmidi's idea of watching birdies on them. I hopes you gots your dinner wifout having to waits to long.
    I hope Blogger fixes its problems too. It is pury frustrating...

  18. Wow. Eddie is one handsome fella, lol! Give your mom some purrs and nuzzles, she deserves them. Oh, and my mom used to keep track of Bat Boy every day when she went hunting in the city. For a while there was "Bat Boy, the Musical"!


Wowee meowee.