Monday, October 09, 2006


We had another Mom day today because of the holiday. And because of the holiday, when Mom went outside to put up the flag and left the front door open for two seconds, I got to look outside and put the first bite of the season on the brand new weatherstripping!

Beyond that, I helped Mom with some things and then napped and stuff. It was kinda cold and breezy out all day–it was overcast and then it wasn't, then it rained, then it stopped, then it hailed and then it stopped. In between I had tons of bird buds come by for lots of seed, and then while we were visiting, I saw that little mouse again! That was pretty exciting. He'd run out and grab a sunflower seed from what Mom put out for the doves and he'd run back. Then he'd run out and grab a peanut piece and run back. He did that until it started to rain again and then he didn't want to go out again. I can't blame him. It was too cold.

Checking for the all-clear. Posted by Picasa


  1. Good job on the weatherstripping. You saw your opportunity and went for it! It's a whole new season and it's just begging to be chomped.
    Does the mousie live down that hole?

  2. Mice. Good. I hope your adoration for weatherstripping does not surpass your devotion to me.

    Explaining to the tabloids how I lost out to plastic and adhesive would be heart-wrenching!

  3. Can you believe our Dad had to g to work yesterday. Mom called his train 'the loser train', for all the losers that had to work on the holiday. Glad to hear you got an extra Mom day, and good job on the weatherstripping!

  4. I love to watch mousies. My Momma says a Kliban cat once said "Love dem little mousies, mousies what I love to eat. Bite dey little heads off, nibble on dey little feet! My big sister Rosemary does that.

  5. Oh Wm! We're so happy you got some new weatherstripping. We guys have to keep up with the latest in home repairs.

  6. Oh you already gots the weatherstripping!

  7. Those meece are almost as fun as weatherstripping, Wm. ~Merlin, Shadow, KO KO

  8. Oh, lovely mice! If you don't want the mous yu can send it over to Bubbles. He likes tasty mice.

  9. Way to go on gettin' an early chomp in on the weatherstrippin'! That mousie is pretty darn cute; our mom thanx ya for puttin' the circle 'round him so she could see!


Wowee meowee.